Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miss Celia

Could she BE any more adorable and precious? Look at those cheeks and that little button nose! As Shug says, "I just wanna eat her up!" :>)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Top 25 Disappearing Things

Saturday, July 19, 2008

JMH Sued Over Access To Dying Gay Partner

This story is so infuriating and so scary at the same time. It seems that no matter what precautions we take or what legal documents we sign and/or carry with us to "prove" we are married and therefore entitled to the rights of any other immediate family member, others in states like Florida can deny those rights indiscriminately. The background story can be found at
You can also watch the video, which is heartbreaking as the surviving partner tries to explain how difficult it was to wait in the waiting room for more than 8 hours as her partner lay dying alone. By the time she was permitted to see her partner (for only 5 minutes, mind you), she was already brain-dead...

Monday, July 14, 2008

jill scott

I just love Jill Scott..however, nothing has been as good as that ""Who is Jill Scott?" CD. I think based on that CD she could get on stage and just sing "blah, blah,blah" and I would still love her..oh, and I also love that she is serving up the girls in this vid ;)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Black opposition to gay marriage remains strong

Despite growing support for same-sex marriage in the United States as measured by several recent polls, black Americans remain steadfastly opposed to gay unions.According to research conducted by the National Black Justice Coalition and several other organizations, as many as two-thirds of black Americans are against gay marriage. Although the numbers vary by poll, research shows most blacks oppose both gay marriage and civil unions. Click HERE for the full story.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Top 10 oddballs of the animal world

Ok, is this not the ugliest animal you've ever seen in your life? It's called the "star-nosed mole" but that's not what I'd call it! : ) Check out the pics of these bizarre animals: Click HERE for the full story.