hello gang,
To get the ball rolling here is a list of the blogs I visit daily to avoid working on the dissertation (in no particular order). I will keep it clean so as not to offend ;)
Keith Boykin: http://www.keithboykin.com/
Rod 2.0: http://rodonline.typepad.com/
Jasmyne Cannick: http://jasmynecannick.typepad.com/jasmynecannickcom/
Jack and Jill Politics: http://jackandjillpolitics.blogspot.com/
Perez Hilton: http://www.perezhilton.com/
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hey --
what a loser i am! i don't visit any blogs regularly .. okay, just the one at afterellen.com -- you know, lesbi-girl stuff. i try to be more techno vloggy savvy -- i even bookmarked a few that i think i'm supposed to be interested in, e.g., the huffington post. but i get so overwhelmed by all the threads! i read some and quickly realize that i really don't care what anyone else thinks :-). like i said -- loser!
well, you inspire me. maybe i'll try again...
am impressed with the jack and jill site. i'm typically repelled by my bougy brothas and sistas (what with class envy and all; don't hate the player. hate the game, baby) and and but i have to admit this blogger points to some interesting/valuable references.
the jenna six "controversy" is deep. since when is a noose not hate? i don't get it.
there's an interesting article in this weekend's NY Times that focuses on the South Carolinian sista's point of view (psst, the New York Times is my one and only newspaper -- who still reads those?) It's entitled "Clinton-Obama Quandary for Many Black Women" (telling all our secrets beauty shop secrets!, check it out): http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/14/us/politics/14carolina.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
i for one would be interested in seeing your porn sites too -- just label them so the feint of heart/sex industry activists are forewarned.
be careful what you ask for shug....perhaps i will email you a few of the low-key "adult" blogs...i will check out the NY times article. I am impressed that you still read a newspaper. do people really still do that?? oh, and dr. p. I know what you mean about not caring what other folks think. Kev says that I just enjoy getting a "bee in my bonnet" so i bring it all on myself by reading those blogs and the comments and work myself up into a big ball of anger. I wish i could be disciplined and read the huffington post but i find that i need either a gay perspective or a black perspective (preferable both..but that is rare). but, i do read some of the mainstream blogs sometimes but i find that all they do is get an even bigger "bee in my bonnet"...
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