Monday, April 14, 2008

Greenest Cars of 2008: Twelve vehicles with the lightest environmental impact.

If you want to drive the most environmentally friendly or "greenest" vehicle, you need to think small or think hybrid. According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), one third of the top 12 vehicles that rank as the greenest of 2008 feature hybrid powertrains. These vehicles combine an internal-combustion engine with an electric motor for improved fuel economy and reduced emissions.
A nonprofit organization, the ACEEE is dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of protecting the environment and strengthening the economy. Each year the ACEEE publishes the Green Book, listing the Green Scores and environmental information about vehicles available in the new model year, as well as a list of the 12 "greenest" vehicles available that year. Click HERE for the full article.

QuoD: Which of the 12 is YOUR favorite car and why?


Kath said...

I've liked the look of the Smart since I saw it in Europe, but I'd be terrified to be going 65 in it down the freeway in SUV land...

Someone in our neighborhood has the Mini Cooper cute, the little mini SUV...doesn't have the parking advantage of the traditional Mini, but I'd love to be seen in it!

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