Wednesday, October 17, 2007

this pic really bothers me...why??

Check out the recent post on jasmyne cannick's website about a few of the boys from the "Jena 6" at the BET awards...its the "October 15 post"

why does that picture bother me so much?!


Emmy said...

Somehow I was imagining the Jena 6 kids would look like the Little Rock desegregation kids -- clean cut and exemplary (though there was nothing to substantiate this).

This is the "look" that resonates in some segments of our community. Arrgh.

gemini72 said...

i had seen a few clips of them before so i wasn't expecting the little rock deseg kids...but those pics really let me know that i am no longer a kid because i just don't get it. also, remember when you were a kid and if you either got in trouble for something OR if you stayed home sick from school..there was no "going out." But, there were stories of the white kid who got beat up by the group of black kids went to some party that night as well. I am definitely not of the school of thought that all involved should not be punished..all of the kids (black and white) should be punished for their actions, with equal punishments handed out. ok, i am off my soapbox now....

Emmy said...

i saw a little clip on good morning america today with bill cosby promoting his new book "call out".

he's, apparently, calling out the trifling. trying to tell folks they need to get up off it and get on with it and referring back to the lessons of our fore mothers and fathers.

i appreciated what he had to say but it made me wonder "is he reaching the audience that needs to hear his message?"

my mom and i were laughing about the disconnect that exists between the generations. this phenomenom is nothing new. it wasn't so long ago that my mother was reemed out by her parents for cutting her hair and going natural. wild!

we have to work very hard to keep our minds open to insure that we're communicating.