Saturday, December 8, 2007

Science is still fun! Gendering in the Discovery store...

Piggy-backing on Reg's posting from The View, here's an interesting story about how the Discovery Channel Store "genderizes" its toys. Check out how the boys' stuff is packaged and marketed vs. the girls' stuff. What do y'all think? Here's the link:


gemini72 said...

WTF!! That has to be a joke! I can't believe that...just when you think we were over that whole "women in science" speech debacle (remember the famous statement by the former harvard president)...who runs their marketing department..can they really be this dense???? But, in situations like this I am reminded of my points of view prior to leaving the south and many (and I do mean many) of the things that get me so riled up now would not have cause me any discomfort back then...

Kev said...

I don't know if it's all bad. I mean you have to admit, that pink "diamond dust" microscope is just fabulously delicious! : ) I'll take that one over the drab blue/grey "sciency" one any day! ; )